Knife Rescue is a mobile business offering sharpening services to a broad range of clients for an ever increasing range of tools
Knife Rescue can come to YOUR HOUSE, YOUR WORKPLACE, or anywhere else in the PERTH METRO AREA.
Garden Tools
I sharpen knives for the hospitality industry as well as households. A blunt knife makes work more difficult and it has been proven to be more dangerous. I can sharpen any knife to a razor edge & teach you how to maintain it. I can restore broken tips as well. Prices from $5.00 to $10.00
Scissors are used in many industries from hairdressing to textiles to food processing. I have the machinery & the training to provide the perfect edge every time. I provide an express service for hairdressers. Domestic $7.50, Upholstery $10.00, Hairdressing $40.00
You'll be amazed how much easier gardening is when your tools are sharp. Garden shears, secateurs, hedge trimmers, loppers, pruners are all part of my repertoire.
Secateurs $5.00, Garden Shears $10.00, Powered Hedge Trimmers $40.00
Tradies Tools
The Tormek T7 machine gives the ability to sharpen a wide range of tradies tools including chisels, thick-nesser & planer blades etc. Tin snips are sharpened to perfection on the scissor sharpening machine. I have a custom-built machine for hole saws.
There's hardly a day goes by when I don't get asked to sharpen something new and interesting. Just a few items include surgical instruments, dental instruments, die cutters, wad punches, food processor blades. What can you challenge me with?
I'm going to put this as plainly as I can:
I DON'T DO WEAPONS OR HUNTING KNIVES. If you're a gang member, or just planning your own private jihad - take it somewhere else or go to the effort & expense to learn the art yourself! I reserve the right to refuse service.